Birthday Number Cakes Are Delicious

Even though sometimes we say that numbers of years aren’t importnat, well it is important actually and this is why many people want number cakes as a birthday gift. Every year, each birthday you are growing old for 1 year, you are becoming smarter and even more beautiful. This is why we decided to inspire you with our delicious birthday number cakes ideas that you will absolutely love!

Did you miss our Valentine’s cakes recipes? Oh, don’t worry, just click here and make it for your partner now because every day can be your Valentine’s day dear friends. 

Fruit layout number cakes  – with the number 25

The perfect number for people in our life or for us, of course, if we are 25. If not, let this be the present for your friend, lover, neighbor, sister/brother or someone else.

number cakes
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Number cakes 50 – the perfect gift for your parents

This can be a perfect present for your parents not just for their birthday party but also for the anniversary. Numbers are saying a lot of time passed together os it’s wort when this is a cake. See the lovelies cake now.

number cake 50
Photo via

Perfect number cake for teens girls

And there we are to the teens and we have an idea for them too. We know that they are problematic but they will be satisfied with a cake like this in the photo. The number is 16, the best period in life, a period without problems and worries!!!

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Number cakes for children

When we mentioned all generations, young people, adults, seniors, teens now it only stays to mention cakes for the little ones, for children. In my own opinion, every child will love to eat and have a cake like this for the birthday party. See the photo now and this will be the last photo so the end of the post today.

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Photo via

Thanks a lot for your attention. Which number of cake will be your choice depends on how old are you. I hope we gave you idea and inspiration about it. Now, bye and have a nice start of the week! Happy birthday to you!