Birthdays are the best days of the year! Especially when we celebrate a birthday to our favorite people, our children, nephews, and people we love. Talking about kid’s birthday parties, we must be creative and do the creative catering for the best day in their life! We must make these days to remember and make happy our children! When having so many ideas on the next, I think that it would be stupid if we just pay caterer to do the decor for us but we should try to make it by ourselves and also to include our children in this.
Also, read about the last post we shared and was about what type of food to avoid before flying. Bit first check our food catering ideas we have to share with you!
Burger cupcakes – creative catering
the most interesting idea to start the food catering for the next birthday of your children is to make burger cupcakes. Coll decor that will make your children happy and they will be proud of you as a parent!

Pizza pinwheels for the birthday party of your children
There is no child that doesn’t adore pizza, these pizza pinwheels are a great idea for food arrangement on the top table. Make it and your child will be satisfied with the decor!

Tacos with sauce
the next thing yo should do is tacos with sauce! There is no child that doesn’t adore eating tacos, so avoid searching for some other recipes but do this and save your time!

Creative catering
Make tasty balls with pies and add it in a popcorn hamper. Take a look at the photo now and save the idea in your mind for the next birthday of your children!

Choose the best drink – milk
Choose what is best for your children – for example, choose milk and avoid coca-cola. In the last photo of the post, we offer you a few examples of how to arrange the bottles with milk or mugs with milk and complete the decor! With this photo, we will end this post so I hope you are already inspired.

Thanks a lot and hope that you will use our ideas for the next birthday party of your little children! Follow us in the future to see other creative food catering that will for a wedding this time!