Winter time is the period when there are a lot of holidays, free days and during this period we spend a lot of time with our family, friends and colleagues. You can make a little surprise for all of them and to make sweet Christmas cookies that we will present you in the following. I’m sure that every kid would love to eat cookies like this, prepared in your own home in an easy and quick way. So, check the photos below and read the instructions below the photos if you want to learn how to prepare it. After checking it the instruction, prepare it and make happy your kids, your family members and also You, be happy too with delicious food recipes.
Also, read our last post and find out how eating fruits for breakfast can change you completely and you can be smarter than you are now!
Christmas tree cookie in green colour
Prepare this sweet cookie for Christmas period and surprise your children with delicious cookies. Make it in different colours and decorate the table setting during the holidays and Christmas time.

Mickey and Miney Mouse tasty cookies
I’m sure that your kids or nephews will love to try these cookies that you can prepare for them in an easy way. Create different design just by using cream, M&M candies.

Tasty Canta Clause fall apart cake cookies
What about Canta Clause falls apart cakes which are actually made of cookies. Interesting design of a Christmas cake prepared for Holiday time.

Delicious Christmas cookies that you may prepare for holidays
Who says that is hard to prepare cookies at home? It isn’t hard at all when you have a wish for preparing the best food for family and people you love.

Combination of banana and strawberries cookie that you will surely love it
There is no better way to force your children to eat healthy food instead of preparing these banana and strawberry cookies that are perfect for breakfast time. But also, prepare these cookies for you and your partner and enjoy in the time spent together.

Rudolph reindeer cookie that looks great and also is delicious
Look at this red nose that Rudolph the reindeer has, prepare the cookie for your home place and enjoy in the sweet taste. This is the cutest cookie that I’ve seen on the net, and to be honest I will surely try to make this in my kitchen place.

Christmas trees made of strawberries and cream
Make amazing Christmas green trees of strawberries and cream as these in the following photo. Find motivation and do this recipe in your free time. I hope that you’ve found this post useful and you will share the recipes with your friends and people who enjoy preparing tasty recipes in their kitchen place. Thanks for your attention and we wish you to have a very nice start of the week!