Hello there parents. Today we won’t write about cooking recipes, tasty food or kitchen gadgets but we will have an interesting post. We will write about how to do it yourself cardboard kitchen and make a surprise for your little daughter, nephew. Little boys don’t enjoy cooking but little girls will love this thing that you will make for them in easy and creative way. Be with us!!!
The mini cardboard kitchen that you have the chance to see at the moment is done by a young mother. Her name is Pinay Mompreneur, Rodessa Villanueva-Reyes and she shared her before-and-after DIY project on Facebook. After a short period, it gained over 1000k likes and over 100 comments from fellow parents. Just take a look at it! She created great kitchen from simple cardboard. There is an oven for cooking, a place for adding the kitchen tools, the fridge, the kitchen cabinet, here there is all one girl need to be busy. I think that this is the best gift one mother can give to her little daughter without spending money but spending creativity and free time.

Let’s have a close look at the kitchen and be motivated. Also read about how to mix beef, leek, and mushrooms and prepare the best lunch for today. This is the last recipe we shared recently on our page, so check it.

The previous photo was the start of the project and the next photo is the end of the project. What do you think, can you really make this in your free time and make surprise for your little girls. If you are asking me, I think that someday I will try to make it and make surprise to my little daughter because girls loves cooking and this keeps them busy!!!

Thanks so much for your time and I hope this project was interesting for you and you will make it for your little daughter. Tell your friends about it!