Hey dear friends. Today we have a special recipe for you and it’s about how to prepare delicious lasagna at home in an easy way! Spend your time with us to find out and watch out, if you prepare it once you will wish to prepare it every day!!!

Ingredients that you will need to prepare delicious lasagna:
4 huge chicken builds
500 gr lasagna paste
Half liter sauce sauce
100 gr
100 gr mozzarella cheese spread
250 gr mushrooms
200 ml of chicken sorbate
120 gr onions
200 gr tomato or tomato sauce
20 gr butter
3 onions stuck
5 gr. red pepper
Extra Virgin Olive Butter
The full recipe about How to prepare chicken lasagna:
Wash and build and cook in water and a little salt. Once finished, deadline and leave them in the bowl.
Preheat oven to 250 ° C. In another pot, cook the pasta with a little water, salt, and olive oil.
Make sure that the paste is not at its point and that it is earthy from the water. In a large skillet, add butter and release poplar fire. Cut the onion together is like a small chunk. Add it to the attic. the onion is used to caramelize and ground gold while integrating with tomato
Ednas Sofrito, grinds some chicken soup with the intention of creating a sauce, adding the sauce and stirring constantly.
Since the salsa is cooked, add the chicken beforehand. Now get a baking tray with butter, and place a layer on the lasagna pasta.
Then add layers to the sauce, mushrooms, mozzarella cheese and other pasta. I reiterate, even though you don’t finish all the ingredients, they are alternately layered. The last layer must consist of salsa, mushrooms, and cheese.
Add the cheeses to the cheeses and bake for at least 25 minutes. Good appetite dear friends, our team recommends drinking a glass of white wine with this sweet meal!!!

Thanks so much for the time you spent with us!!! Also, spend some time to read about how to make the best swiss roll cake that will be so tasty and delicious for you and for the whole family!!!