We all know that oranges are full of vitamin C, also contain fiber, potassium, and choline. All these things are good for your heart and this fruit boost your immune system. Imagine combining healthy food with art, it’s an amazing result. Today, we will KEEP exactly on this topic, about orange art and vitamin C on your plate. Do this catering and kill two birds with one stone!
But before reading it, also check about how to make tasty cake squares, the recipes we shared recently on our page that is well known for you, our readers!!!
Orange art- make mice
The very first idea is about how to make mice at home just by using orange. Once when you will check the photo, yo will make the things clear and will learn how to make this in your home.
Make art for New Year
This idea might sound strange for you because isn’t topical for this period of the year. But, keep this idea in your mind and make it on your own plate. For you, your lids and even for the whole family.
Make a bird with oranges
This is what yo can make for Easter time, edible bird done with oranges and apples. Look at this cute catering, you can make the same at home.
Make a dog again with oranges – orange art
The next photo is about how to make a dog with the use of oranges in the best way. Do this and be proud for being a creative person.
What about an orange bicycle? 🙂
I n the next photo we can see again creative idea. This time, we see a bicycle with oranges on the plate!
Mix oranges with blueberries
In the next photo, we can see how to make little fish with oranges and blueberries and crate an art in the late while we also have vitamins here. See the idea in the next photo.
Orange dog – orange art cut
And the last photo is interesting and it’s about how to make a dog with fruits – oranges. Have you ever seen such an amazing orange cut???
Thank you, my friends! We appreciate your time and hope you learned something. Now it.s time to finish this post and say goodbye to all you!