There are days when we are home and have day-off. These days we use to cook, to empty our fridge and prepare nice meals for people we love. Especially when we make this for our family, our love is so big. If you regurarly follow our page, you will always have some ideas in your head and will cook something new each day when you will be at home. Stay with us to the end and read our tasty quinoa flatbread bagels recipes that are following now!
Tasty quinoa flatbread bagels
Why buying bake rolls when you can make your own bake rolls at home? Combine it with blueberry and fruit yogurt, cream and cucumbers, bananas and nuts, strawberry and ice cream and enjoy in so tasty meals. But before combination, you have to prepare it. The ingredients that you need to preapre this flatbread bagel are these:
- high-speed food processor
- strainer to rinse the quinoa)
- baking sheet
- Parchment paper
- Thin edged spatula
- Tongs
- cooling rack

Add oregano, salt or sesame seeds on it and enjoy in your homemade bake rolls!!! When you will see the next photo I think that you will wish to prepare it right now at this moment!

Yummy, this is what you need to keep your body healthy and to lose weight. It’s easy to prepare it and will be eaten for only 5 minutes!

Yummy! I will prepare this surely for the weekend time and will upload a photo to share with you, my dear friends. Please at the end of the post also read about tasty fruits and veggies as breakfast ideas for the whole family.

Thanks a lot for your time and prepare this tasty recipe as meals and breakfast.