In the period that comes, we have so many free days and we stay at home or we travel around. However, we have free time to make some cookies for our friends and family, for our partner and for us. For the holidays that come, we can make delicious Christmas cookies and to eat it for only 5 minutes!
Read about our last post that was again about holiday time and was about how to prepare the best fruit salads at Christmas time when you will need to DETOX your body. Bur first, check our cookies chosen for this post and this day!
Gingerbread bars
Make gingerbread bars with cheese frosting and decorate the table for Christmas time, the best period of the year. Just see this nice cookie in the first photo from the post.

Snowman Christmas cookies, small but cute
The interesting start of the holidays is these snowman cookies and you can make it in an easy way to impress your family and guests. Just take a look at the photo now and draw inspiration from it.

Easy Christmas cookies with sugar, so tasty
If you don’t like the snowman, you can make star cookies, Santa clause cookies, Christma tree cookie, snowflake cookie, and other things. All these ideas you can see how they look in the photo now which is the second photo from the post.

Christmas oreo pops – nice for looking in it and delicious for eating
Christmas Oreo Pops… Great for kids’ birthday party! Just put a cake pop stick in between oreo and dip it in melted chocolate… And decorate your table and make surprise to your little children! Take a look at the photo to see how wonderful it looks! Will you make it? Tell us in a comment below the post.

Dear friends, thanks so much for your time and attention. I hope that someday you will make these cookies and will send us ONE cookie :))) Just joking, keep following us that will be enough for us! We love you!!!