We can see modern mothers everywhere around us. Seating on the bench in the park and breastfeeding their babies which is quite Ok. But, what isn’t ok is that while the baby is drinking milk or the mother is breastfeeding the baby, she scrolls on the phone at the same time. The psychologists and doctors share the same opinion and me and they mention several reasons why this isn’t Ok. Stay with us and find the reasons why you should using mobile while breastfeeding your little baby.
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It hampers eye contact
The mother will be seeing the phone all the time and not in her baby which hampers the eye contact. in the past, mothers have no access to the nest and to smartphones so their eyes were strictly seeing in their babies. But what can we do, modern technology is here to change habits and things.
Avoid using mobile while breastfeeding – it distracts your attention
Your attention will be completed on the phone. what happened today, yesterday will be more important than your little baby smile. It sounds sad but this is the truth of nowadays modern mothers.

Radiation risks – why you should avoid using mobile while breastfeeding
You know that mobile is even dangerous for you and imagine how dangerous is for your baby. Many disease are coming from mobile phones, the most dangerous disease is cancer, unfortunately.
It can make you fail to track nursing patterns
You will miss the moment when your baby will fall asleep. Maybe you will hold the baby while the baby is already fell asleep. Is the phone more important than your baby? Guess that isn’t, so stop scrolling on your mobile when you have to see such a pretty face in front of you!
I hope that you will follow our advice we share with you today. If you are a mother, please don’t use the mobile while breastfeeding your baby. Babies are growing so fast so one day you will be missing these days! Thanks a lot for your time and keep following our page in the near future for more ideas similar to these!!!