Good afternoon friends, how are this day? To beautify the front yard and front door you can make these amazing food wreath. See how to make it and kind of fruit you will need to make it.
Try these healthy and salty gelatin salads that we prepared for you and shared recently on our page. The salads are perfect for guests!
Food wreath – make it with oranges
We will start the post with the first ideas about how to make food wreath and this time with oranges. Take a loo in the photo now and simply fall in love with the idea.

Cornelcherry heart as food wreath
What a great idea and inspiration to make for the front door of the house. Look how cute it is and follow the link below the photo to see the details of the project.

Make it with oranges peels
Take the star shaper and make perfect stars of orange peels. Now, take the rope and hang these stars on the rope. Then. hang the wreath on the front door and enjoy in nice look either in a nice smell. It doesn’t have to be stars- if you have some other shapes – you can try with it. This is my favorite idea, I admit it!

Make it with apple, leaves and grapes
There we are to the last idea of this post. The idea that I have is about how to make the wreath for the front door with apple and grapes. I love the result!

This is the end friends! Everyhting that is nice, lasts short and so this pose must end up here. But, I promise we will be back with new posts and new ideas that will be also cool!