How starts one day for you? For many people, the day starts with a large coffee cup and cigarettes which is not so good idea. If you are doing the same thing every morning it’s time to stop DESTROYING YOU! Your body needs vitamins and minerals to start the day and eating fruits is a better idea. It’s better to eat one coffee cup filled with fruits mix of strawberries, bananas, apples, blueberries and lemons, instead of drinking black coffee.
Medicine researches say that antibiotics and probiotics are dangerous for our health and first these tablets kill the bacteria but the next thing is that we are feeling pain in the stomach. To prevent all this, we should include lemon in our diet and to kill the batteries and it’s enough of tablets that are very dangerous for our health.
If you are one creative person and you want to create an art of banana and other fruits, check this post that is full of inspiration.
Which are the benefits of eating fruits during the morning?
Eating vegetables and fruits during the morning will help you to wake up easily, it will help you to think clearer and to be smarter. In one word, you can transform your body completely with a healthy diet and avoiding coffee. One recent study has shown that fruits can help you to make an oxidation to your body and to start the eating menu with the clean stomach.

Fruits help in stimulating the digestive tract
If you want to feel refreshed you definitely need to start the day with bananas and apples because this type of fruit fibre can help you to clean the colon like a broom. If you are asking me, the best period of the day for eating fruits is in the morning but also continue eating during all day.
It strengthens the heart
Vitamins and minerals that we enter our body with the help of fruits and veggies, help us to stay healthy and to have a strong heart and also to protect ourselves of high blood pressure. And, do not forget to tell you there is also one positive side of eating fruits and that is that your cholesterol can be lower and you can be now fit and slim instead of being overweight.
Forget about belly without making any exercises
Recently, I have told you about some fitness steps that will help you to lose your belly, but also the diet is very important if you want to be slim and without the belly. Pay attention to the diet and make it simple and easy the process of losing weight. The fibre in fruit will surely help you in this, make a test and find out the results and then share the results with us. I hope that you have learned why eating fruits are good for your health and which are the benefits of it, please share this post on your Facebook profile and inform other people. Thanks a lot for your attention!